Friday, June 20, 2014

Self-Published Authors Needs To Memorize This Article

Self-published authors run into problems that authors who traditionally published don t face. However, traditionally published authors have no control over a lot of these issues. Sometimes your publisher will do a good job for you and sometimes they don t. When you self-publish, you are in control of your own career. We ve all seen authors who write a book, throw it up on Amazon, and publish it immediately. Then they wonder why the book isn t reaching the bestseller lists. In fact, they wonder why it isn t selling at all. Writing the book is certainly the first and very important part of publishing your book. However, it isn t the only part if you want you book to reach your readers. You need to look at a few other important steps you need to take to put your book out in front of readers. This article outlines twelve steps that will help you reach more readers and sell more books. What steps do you consider