Monday, October 14, 2013

Are You Violating Amazon’s Terms Of Service?

If you are self-publishing, and if you are reading this, I assume you are, Amazon is an important business partner. As with any business partner, they need to be treated with respect. It is CRITICAL that you be careful not to damage that relationship. You must read, understand, and remember the conditions of using their site. If you are violating Amazon s terms of service, they will ban your account.  If you follow me here and on the social media sites, you know that I love self-publishing because of the options available to authors. This is wonderful, and I m all for options. However, in this particular situation, there are no options. If you are banned from Amazon, you will have few, if any, options for your publishing career. Sure, you can go and open another account (I ve seen that done many times). However, that is also a violation of their terms of service. That account will be banned as well. I m bringing this up this morning because I ve seen yet another product telling autho

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Is Amazon The Best Place To Sell Books?

Most authors believe that Amazon is the best place to sell books. Is that really true? Until now the only information authors have had about the percent of marketshare of ebook sales by the book distribution channels have come from those channels themselves. It s important for self-publishing authors to know actual sales percentages and not trust the self-reported figures. Sellbox has conducted their 2013 eBook Self-Publisher Survey and reported the results at the Publishers & Writers of San Diego meeting on September 28th.  These results contradict the self-reported results. Amazon is indeed the 800 pound gorilla of the publishing world. Be sure and look at the slides of the answers. There are a lot of good information there. You ll find more helpful information in addition to finding the best place to sell books.